Fiorentino Bros. Contracting Ltd.
Road Building – Land Clearing – Mining – Earthmoving Equipment Rentals
Cranbrook BC, Canada
Sparwood BC, Canada
Fiorentino Bros. Contracting (FBC) Ltd’s primary service area ranges from the
Alberta border in the east, approximately 120 km west to the Creston Valley, and from the Montana border in the south, about 250 km north to Golden.
Core Services Include:
forestry and highway road construction
utility corridor and right-of-way development
commercial and residential land development
gas well-site construction and pipeline ditching
river diversions
public marina development
golf course development
sanitary landfill construction and management
sanitary landfill closures
open pit placer mining
agricultural farm land clearing and development
agricultural rangeland enhancement
coal exploration, roads & pad construction
Serving the Oil and Gas Industry:
Since 1997 Fiorentino Bros Contracting have provided services to oil and gas drilling activities in the East Kootenay. Work has included development of several gas well drill pads, pipeline ditches and associated access roads.
With a strong emphasis on protecting the environment and by working closely with local governments, as well as regional representatives of provincial ministries, the company has successfully completed on-time projects for Shell Oil, North Star Energy, Chevron Canada Resources, Trans Canada Pipe Lines and EnCana Corporation.
During FBC’s 35 years of work in the Fernie, Sparwood and Elkford areas the company has had the opportunity to be involved with some of the early-stage coal mine site development and pioneering work such as clearing, grubbing, road building and mine site prep work.
Company and Employee Certification and Training:
Fiorentino Bros. Contracting (FBC) have been members and are approved for the following certification's:
FBC is certified by the British Columbia Forest Safety Council (BCFSC) and is in good standing with Work Safe BC.
Employee Training:
Employees are trained and certified for:
Transportation of dangerous goods
Workplace Hazardous Materials and Information Systems (WHMIS)
Occupational First Aid
Environmental Awareness and Various Client Based Requirements
S100 Fire suppression